Growing up, my sister was my best friend. We were two years apart and we did almost everything together. My mom claims we fought, but being the delightful child I was, I think she is getting me confused with my rascally brothers. We went to sleepovers together, we shared Barbie clothes, and we did swimming lessons together. As we got older we double dated together and shared each other's clothes and whispered at night about our dates and first kisses. I loved having a sister so close to me, so when I got married and we discussed adding more delightful little children to the current population, we planned for them to be close.
I ended up with 4 boys! Did I mention that my brothers don't giggle at night about their crushes? Did I also mention that their interactions are more loud and include name calling when the other one backs into ones car?
I have observed that a brother relationship is a tad different than sisters. The tackling is a little bit rougher, and ears and toes get bitten more, and you can stick your tongue out for record setting amounts of time if one is irritating you. I have also noticed that, though they may hide it a little better, boys still love each other and have a closeness that comes from sharing the same set of quirky, and unusual set of parents.
Today my oldest punched his brother in the stomach for daring to touch his Nintendo DS, #2 "accidentally" spit on #1 when he dared to say he could run faster. #3 smacked #2 over the head with a toy hammer, and for what we don't exactly know.
(Yes, when you have 4 boys ages 6 and under, it is perfectly ok to start calling them by numbers.)
Today Micah gave his snacks to Kyler and Caleb after his basketball game because they didn't get any. Caleb cuddled Liam while he watched a movie. Kyler told Micah he was the best big brother in the world, and 1, 2, and 3 are all sleeping together in one twin sized bed, you can't tell whose arms belongs to which body.
Brothers are an incredible, sometimes disguised, gift from God!