Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I have had a lot of firsts recently, and some, I hope, are onlys. Like chicken pox... twice.... after having vaccinations. Or camping....pregnant! A couple of weeks ago Micah had his first day of Kindergarten. After watching his mommy go through an inhumane amount of Kleenex leading up to the actual day, he sweetly requested on the way to his first day of class, that if I had to cry, I could only cry a few drops, after all he wouldn't' be gone too long and he would miss me too. This resulted in a whole box of used Kleenex.
His brother followed me around for the first week, asking me what I was doing, begging me to play dinosaurs with him, and pestering his little brother just to see if he could set a new record on how loud he could get him to scream. He informed me with exasperation one afternoon that he couldn't go play since he had no Micah's!
God smiled at me when I cried every day for the first week as I watched my little, tiny, big boy climb out of the car with his slightly too big backpack bouncing on his back, and head confidently into school. So to remind me why it really was a good thing that 5 year olds leave their mommy's for 3 or 4 hours every day to learn stuff they may or may not remember a year from now, he gave me a week of chicken pox.
As we spent the week disappointed about the school activities we were missing, watching a ridiculous amount of Veggie Tales, and breaking records on things to fight over, I found myself asking when he could go back to school and I could cry from missing him yet again.
Today I kissed my second boy as he looped his little back pack straps over his arms and headed off into the exciting new world of crayon wrappers and glue sticks. As he looked up at me and said "I'll really miss you mommy" I was convinced he was only making sure that he could squeeze tears out of me as efficiently as his big brother did.
The knock you over hug I got from him when I picked him up assured me that he really did miss me, and made me feel like all those spankings over looked, all those imaginary friends I brushed teeth for, every 20 goodnight kisses each night, were worth it.
My very wise mother assured me today that there really was no way of slowing time down, instead I needed to treasure every moment. I think I will take her advice as my 5 year old reminded me, that my 1 year old baby gets to go to preschool next!

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