Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Random Wilson Moments

When I was a little girl I dreamed about meeting prince charming, marrying him, having a dozen kids and living happily ever after. I didn't, however, think about prince charming getting old! (I still refuse to believe that if he is getting old, then I am, because I was like 12 when I got married, so I still have years and years before it happens to me!)
One morning I rolled over and realized my prince charming had just a few hairs less than he did when we rode off into the sunset. Makes God's counting job easier I guess. Then I noticed silver hairs!! And then he turned 30!!! Whats next a cane and false teeth???
I guess I should have seen it coming when he got winded going up the stairs, or had to spend the day in bed after a baseball game. Oh and then there is his "hip flexor" he has been complaining about! What the heck is a hip flexor????
As if my husband turning 30 wasn't cruel enough of mother nature in reminding me that I might be a tad older than some people, my 6 year old started riding his bike without training wheels. It started out with a few feet and a crash and crying and threats never ever ever ever ever to get on a bike again. And then one day he took off. All of a sudden my little baby can ride a bike and I'm sobbing and realizing that he is going to get a drivers license one day!
My four year old is planning his fifth birthday party in a few weeks. This child keeps me on my toes! Last week he asked me if we could get a pet mouse. Um NO! Then he asks me if he can when I am dead. Well considering that I have an aging husband, he may get his mouse sooner than he thinks.
So I discovered something. Each child I produce gets a tad ornerier. This brings me to the Caleb update, and honestly this child leaves me speechless most days. Probably because I can't say the words that he usually evokes in front of children.
I came upon my sweet innocent angel the other day and his response to my loud "What are you doing??" was a very practical "I pump."
And then there was yesterday when I followed the trail of eyeshadow to the baby's swing. His response again was matter of fact. "Liam, eyes."
My sweet little youngest has started giggling. He discovered his hands the other day, which is always comical to me. Can you imagine the utter shock when this thing that keep hitting you in the face suddenly appears to be attached to you!! I always imagine them thinking things like , Whoa I wonder what else it can do, or what else I have!!
Yep I love being a mom!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE. So precious that you got a picture of Liam looking at his hand!!
