Sunday, July 8, 2012

Weekend Waterbeds

Do you ever think that maybe instead of civilization advancing, that maybe we are just getting crazier in the head? Take, for example, those poor pioneer women who had to live in tents and sleep on the ground and go without running water, mascara, and facebook! Then there is us. We CHOOSE to pack up an ENORMOUS amount of stuff, to sleep on a cold tent floor with unbathed children, and eat food that has fallen into the dirt a few times, and we turn our backs when we catch our children drop their drawers and pee in front of 15 other crazies who have chosen to go without facebook for a few days! I mean what makes us do this???
We decided to do our once a year camping trip to remind ourselves just why we don't go twice a year, this last weekend. We had been experiencing 102 degree temperatures, but the minute our tent was up, it dropped to about 50 and never went much higher. To keep things interesting, we weren't allowed to light a fire because of the wildfires and the dryness that is Colorado. Try nursing without turning blue in those conditions! 
Before we left we noticed a slight chance for rain. That slight chance turned into probably, with a few drops, and then definitely with a steady downpour which lasted.....every single minute of our time there except for maybe 10! (This doesn't happen in Colorado people, unless the Wilson's decide to take their annual camping trip, which may have just turned into every 5 years camping trip)
My Sister-in-law and her 2 boys and my mother-in-law and father-in-law were also along. They at least had a camper, but do you want to know what happens when you stick 6 little kids, one wet dog, and 6 grumpy adults in one tiny little camper? No you don't! So we decided to head into town to hang out at McDonalds so the kids could at least play for a while. 
When we headed the opposite way of home and back to the campsite, there was much wailing and trying to escape the van, until Kevin told me I was scaring the kids and needed to get ahold of myself. 
So it was Liam's first experience camping. He wasn't really impressed; neither were our neighbors at 1:15am when he screamed enough to scare wildlife away within a 30 mile radius. Typically he loves outdoors; just not when its trying to drown him!
Kyler loved it! He got to pee outside every time he had to go; which was usually about every 4 minutes. Even the elderly couple in the site next to us got used to it and stopped yelping in horror every time he waved to them as he was watering the trees.
Micah enjoyed it also. Of course he found it fun to convince his little brother that every noise he heard or dog he saw was indeed a bear coming to specifically eat Kyler. Micah also learned that there is no space that cannot be considered prime time-out real-estate! We did however learn that he was small enough to break into campers. I have no idea what may come of this particular talent. I try not to think to much about the scary parts of raising 4 boy who are way to much like their daddy.
And Caleb, well Caleb thought he had died and gone to heaven. Dirt, no baths, and an endless supply of juice loaded with sugar. We had to tackle him into the car and tie him down when it was time to leave. We did however, learn that a constant diet of guacamole can really clean out a two-year olds system. And isn't that just the kind of thing you want happening inside of an over occupied, under ventilated tent that is slowly filling with water and floating down the mountain!
Like I said are we advancing, or just nuts??


  1. hahahaha. You have a way with words, Shelly! We just got back from our church campout and actually had great weather - only a little rain. But still, this morning I was pondering how maybe camping is to home what this earth is to heaven. :-) Sometimes it's great fun and beautiful experiences, and sometimes it just really stinks. But no matter how good it is, it still isn't as good and comfortable and safe and warm and dry as - home.

    Have fun doing the laundry and scrubbing the dirt and rust off of everyone! :-)

  2. El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin
