Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Grandparents are God's Hugs

Being a mom is so weird! Things happen that you could never have guessed would happen like even in a million years! I kinda like it....most of the time! 
We went to Virginia a couple weeks ago to be at an award ceremony for my grandfather. He's almost 87 and he spent a large part of his life serving in Canada on the mission field. I don't get to see my  grandpa often, but I cherish the memories I do have and I love when my kids get to spend time with their grandparents as well. They get a taste of my childhood, I feel, when they climb up on the same knees I sat on, and hear the same stories I heard, and smell the same laundry soap on the shoulders that I did. There is something very sacred about it! For just a moment life's worry's, family disputes, and differing views fade away. I believe that a grandparents snuggles are a little piece of what Heaven must be like.
Well you know my kids and that the innocent peaceful and old fashioned picture I am painting right now didn't least for long. When we met up with my grandparents, one child had a 104 fever, another one ran up to Grandma and joyfully shouted "grandma!" effectively getting the entire rooms attention for the next thing that came out of his mouth. "How did you get so old??" Liam's entire plate of food was mushed into the floor and every one who owned an iphone went home with questionable photos on their devices!
Overall it was an evening more than a few people will likely never forget!

It was a quick weekend, and Sunday we went back to Mom and Dad's before heading home on Monday.
Middle of the night I was woken by a crying Caleb insisting that he was going to throw up. We sat in the bathroom together while he emptied his stomach. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said "I'm just homesick for Colorado mommy." Talk about guilt trip!
He went back to bed, but it was apparent that his fever was inching closer to that  gotta-take-him-in stage when he sat up and asked me if the tiger in the corner was real. 
Um I don't think so buddy! He mentioned that he also saw happy and sad in the corner, and I was flipping out! He rolled over and looked up into my frantic face, and said "don't be scared mommy, daddy can hit the tiger with his big hammer right there." Needless to say that was the end of sleep for me!
He lived though, and we drove home where Liam and Kyler decided it was the in thing to have 104 fevers, and we spent the next week popping Motrin like it was candy! Doctor confirmed it was flu, and just to make it interesting a case of pink eye and strep throat and I am hoping that we just decided to get all of our illnesses out at one time!
All in all the Wilson family is still going strong. Its weird to be carving pumpkins in t-shirts and shorts, but I'm sure by March those pictures of snowy Colorado will make us very thankful for our cold front temperatures of 75!
Your all more than welcome to come check those "chilly" temperatures out if you are so inclined! We'll leave the light on for ya!!

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