Today I had pictures taken of my insides. In my insides was this squirming little human being! Little toes made themselves very familiar with a blob that was labeled "bladder", and little arms tried to come through my belly button. I have experienced this unique photo opportunity more than once in my life, but it never really loses its wonder.
The lady doing the ultrasound kept commenting on how active this little one was, and how big it was, things my bladder and ligaments really didn't want to hear! She commented on its head, heart, spine, kidneys and toes, before I finally looked at her and blurted out "yes, cute toes, what's between them???"
She responded with this shot, blown up nice and large on a TV screen for no one to miss.

"Oh that" was what came out of my mouth. You see this has been the very proud display of each of my tumbling intrauterine blessings.
My dear doctor who, just last visit was flipped off by my charming 4-year-old as he proudly displayed a hurt finger, asked me if I thought this one was displaying temperaments like that of any of my other boys. I think she wanted to be prepared for anymore surprise gestures when she opens me up to pull this trying-to-keep-up-with-my-big-brothers angel out.
Speaking of those big brothers, they have already discussed the benefits of 4 wii controllers for 4 brothers and who will win Mario Kart more often.
I think its safe to say they are cool with adding another male to their tribe, although Kyler has informed me that this addition can't have his dinosaur shirt since he plans to just keep stretching it so he never outgrows it.
I have been asked if I am disappointed. My answer is yes and no. I am disappointed that the great deal I got on the pink suede coat last year will now become a great shower gift (all you having girls, feel free to send me an invite to your showers; its adorable!) but I love how close my boys are to each other, and I can't think of a better way to grow up than having your best friends surrounding you and always there for you. Plus now I still get to pee in public by myself, and Kevin has to haul 4 boys into the stall and groan as they talk about how far they can pee and who stinks the worst loud enough for the restaurant next door to hear!

I'm so excited for you guys! And proud of you for seeing the positives and appreciating God's plan over anything. Believe it or not, we were both convinced that a first born son would be perfect, and I'm so thankful God knew better. Congrats again Girl!