I have discovered something this last week. Husbands are invaluable things to have around. Despite their annoying habits of leaving closet doors open, or mail on the clean counter, or mood swings during Sunday afternoon football, or insensitive comments about it being that time AGAIN, they really do contribute, even if only at times as another adult voice.
My husband is smack dab in the middle of a two week business trip; overseas; with no phone contact and very unreliable internet connection; with a young, long legged, blonde co-worker along for the ride. Combine this with an almost 8 month pregnant mommy of all boys experiencing minor stomach bugs, a snow day or two, Halloween with its mounds of sugar, a time change, and little irritants such as flipped breakers and lost keys, and you have half a neighborhood putting their houses up for sale.

The morning Kevin left, I got up with enough determination to take on the world; and then my kids got up and I am still trying to find what happened to all of that determination and good intent. I found myself saying so many times, "lets just not talk for the next 5 minutes". I threatened to tie everyone up if they kept fighting, and I let a kid in bed with me when he felt that 5am was a great time to get up. I even let M&M's be supper one night.
When Kevin skyped with us and in between broken connections said he had picked up a parasite and was really sick, I did feel bad for him. I wouldn't ever admit that the thought crossed my mind that at least he was miserable too! But when he told us about the chicken he had had for supper one evening that was crawling with bugs, I did genuinely feel a little bad sitting down to my bug free pizza.
The stories of cool places, and exotic food, and interesting people however have made me think that a girls day at the spa when he gets home should be in my future! One particularly difficult day, my oldest needed flowers for his teachers birthday, so I bought myself some as well!
Last week my oldest's piano teacher smiled in sympathy (because I refused to admit it might have been pity) when I forgot the check, the teacher sweetly kept her mouth shut when one kid showed up in a light jacket in the middle of a snow storm, the pizza guy didn't say anything about how many times he had been to our house in only a few days, and the Sunday school teacher reminded me that at least I got an hour of childcare while I was in church and was therefore worth wrestling everyone out the door by myself.
So far everyone is still alive! SCORE!
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