Today I am thankful for my kids' school. I almost want to go back and go through grade school. I never did all of the things my kids get to do!
Last year I was introduced to Mother Goose Day in the Kindergarten class. If you will remember we had quite the adventure creating Humpty Dumpty for Micah. Thjis year it was Kyler's turn to participate in Mother Goose Day. Thankfully I chose this year andidn't even let him think there was a choice. I drove to every store in town before heading out to Falcon to find overalls in Kyler's size; insert Falcon jokes here. We got a hat and caled Kyler Old Macdonald. He was adorable!
In class when it came time for him to recite Old Macdonald, he proudly added that Old Macdonald had a snake. I breathed a sigh of relief, no costume's to uncover my horrific lack of creaive skills.
Micah mentioned Egyptian Day and in exploring the website I found that he was supossed to be dressed as one; a week from the day I was looking at the flier!
I couldn't find a costume for boys. A friend found one, but it was kind of expensive. So I went online and found "easy" instructions to make my own. I went out and spent the same amount on supplies that I would have spent on ordering the already made costume.
I spent hours cutting ans ewing an recutting and trying on a piece of fabric on Micah that was full of needles holding everything in place.
He started screaming at me at one point because there was a needle stuck in his ear. I told him to stop being so dramatic and pulled it out. Then I threatened his life if he got blood on the white fabric. We already had one bleeding character for school!
This morning my little boy skipped off to school in what we are calling an Egyptian costume. There is no way he is coming home with that thing in one piece!!
I am told that in the later grades wll be reinacting a war and will need sardines and toilet paper bandages. Maybe if I had days like that I wouldn't have minded history so much!! Especially if the cute kid I studied in class instead of my American History was part of the history lesson......
quiero un nene vestido de nena!!