Monday, April 1, 2013

March 2nd 2013

March 2nd was hardly like any other day. I got up indecently early, ran through security and hopped on a plane to decide if we should uproot our family and move across the country.     
I hate flying! It makes me nervous and anxious, and Kevin would argue that calling what I am when I fly nervous, is like calling a  hippo a little on the large side.
Anyways. We flew to Houston and landed in a lot of bumpy wind. I got off the plane shaking and wondering how in the world I would get back on another one in a couple of hours. 
I did, however, and I forgot to pee before boarding.  A younger guy sat by me. He had earrings and pants that showed off his boxers, because lets face it why would you spend money on something no one can see?? He was very pleasant though and I was glad.
We had some delays getting off the ground. Normally I pray that we won't become airborne miles and miles above solid ground in a big heavy hunk of metal flown by an unseen man who may or may not have had his annual eye exam recently. However, my bladder was setting records on how large it could stretch out, and I was praying for that cruising altitude of gazillion miles from land.
It was bumpy! No it was horrific! The cool guy with the boxers and earrings began uttering the Lord's name and I am pretty sure that he wasn't using it the same way they do in Sunday School!
By now I have a cut in my arm from my own finger nail, and poor Kevin is slouching in his seat hoping no one knows we are together. I think we was hoping with the way the other guy was acting that it would look like I was his wife. I am joining in my other seat mates cries, only I am pleading with God to either make the end come quickly or save us please!!! I don't know which one to pray about, the bone jarring 1000 foot drops, or the full bladder that stays up there at that 1000 feet higher without me!!
Finally the seat belt sign goes off and I rocket out of my seat. We pretty much bounced around the rest of the flight to Orlando. Once we start our initial descent, we are told that there are unusually high winds in the Orlando area, and that we should expect some bumps coming in.
What they should have sad was, hold on to you butts and tuck your head between your legs, because landing in this stuff is not going to be easy, in fact we might at times be flying sideways and there is no way the overhead luggage is going to remain in its current spots!!!!!!
I have never thanked God so abundantly for his green wonderful earth as I did once those wheels touched down!
We taxied and taxied and taxied, so I turned my phone on and saw that I had a text from my sister. It was weird. It just said to call her. Because it was taking forever to get to the gate I called her from my seat. 
What she told me pretty much changed my life!!
I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then my darling sister told me not to tell anyone. Are you kidding me?? Its kinda like someone winning the lottery, being taken to a shoe store and told not to spend anything for a while! Anyone who knows me knows that I am the worlds worst secret keeper!! My good friend who is an OB/GYN, commented yesterday that the world knew I was pregnant before my husband even did because of the nationwide shortage on pregnancy tests! He may or may not be accurate. Well can I tell strangers?? Yes I could, so I informed the entire plane that my sister was knocked up and thanked the pilot for keeping me alive long enough to find out that I was going to be an aunt. 
The people in the elevator smiled politely as I shared the good news with them and the guy at the rental car place congratulated me hesitantly. My husband's new boss looked at me funny when he asked me how I was liking Florida and I gushed that I was going to have a niece or nephew by Christmas.
When we got home I played charades with a friend, somewhat letting the cat out of the bag, because that's different than telling right????
We went shopping in Daytona, and I found the cutest little outfits!!

Kevin told me "NO" in no uncertain terms. He said, "Shelly, we will wait until we find out what it is then we can buy clothes, but I think we should buy this one." He was holding a little shirt that said " I love my Uncle" but I didn't take a picture because it wasn't near as cute as the ones I had picked out!
I am sooooo excited!! I cannot wait to meet my little niece or nephew, and if it is a niece she will be outfitted until she's 13 the week I find out!!!

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