Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Memory Lane

This time of year always seems to lead me down memory lane. As a teenager I didn't date a whole lot. Once a guy gave me flowers and I didn't leave my house for 3 days for fear I would run into him! I loved romantic movies and looked forward to getting married one day, but I just wasn't sure about the "boy" part of it.
So in October of 2001, a friend loaded me into her car and drove me to meet a guy who she felt would be a good fun guy to hang out with. I didn't say 2 words the whole ten minutes we interacted. I went home and did my biology homework and later went to Homecoming with a group of girlfriends, had a blast, and was perfectly content with it.
A month later that guy called me. He asked if my sister and I wanted to see a movie with him and his friend. No I did not. But my sister did and being under 16 it was the rule that she could only group date.
So this guy wasn't really into the whole set-up thing either. He had driven around outside his house waiting for us to leave when he found out I was coming to meet him. A month later he was bored, so he asked a girl out on a date. She was busy, and having just moved back to the state, he didn't have very many options in girls at that point, so he figured he'd go with plan B and call up the quiet girl from a month before. It was better than sitting at home for another weekend playing that video game he had beaten twice already.
Now my mom really liked that questions like who turns their head which way when you kiss, kept me just paranoid enough to never try it, so she smiled and waved goodbye when we headed out the door confident that I would be changing my phone number the next day.
Well I didn't change my number and the day before Thanksgiving I decided to be ok with finding out who turned their head which way, and my mom was rather dismayed when flowers from a guy didn't make me hide in my closet, and my dad told the poor kid no the first time he asked to marry me, but somehow we found ourselves married, fighting over toothpaste brands, and parents to almost 4 boys just 10 years after that plan B date.

1 comment:

  1. Shelly-
    You have a true romance. You and Kevin are so cute and great together, I hope you have a lifetime of fun and happieness : )
    Meghann Stabo
