Thursday, December 13, 2012


Ask any mom what her least favorite part of motherhood is. Hmmmm Teething? Heck yeah that bites! (pun totally intended) Getting a call from the teacher telling you that your child has a rock stuck in their ear? Yep not the best mommy moment! Realizing that you are standing in a group of executives at your husbands Christmas party and have spit up in your hair? Ew! For me its potty training! I hate it!!
Its that year or 3 that everything smells like pee and your couch has been cleaned so many times its a completely new color and you now have to buy new curtains to match the new color.
Caleb decided he was done with diapers one day. I put him in big boy pants and for three days straight not one accident. People I am thinking that maybe I am finally figuring out how to be a good mother to this child and I am overlooking the fact that he is sticking lego light sabers up his nose or spitting the almonds back into the chex mix bowl, because he is diaper free!!
Well all good things must come to an end and we wouldn't want me thinking I have this mommy thing figured out!! So we throw in a few accidents, never at home mind you, or when I have remembered to bring extra clothes along.
If you are a mom you have probably experienced the following. You are out somewhere. You are talking to someone who is telling you how cute your four little boys are and you are glowing with maternal pride, when you look over and you see THAT face. OH NO! You grab the kid holding him slightly away from you as you search frantically for a bathroom. Line out the womens restroom, can't sneak in the mens. He's biting his lip and crossing his legs and you are desperate. Finally an older experienced woman recognizes the crossed legs wide eyed situation and motiones you ahead. You make it to the stall door. YES! you got this! Aaaaaand then there is a puddle around your feet and the child with the worlds largest bladder is soaked through and through!
Well what would you do say, if you were all dressed up for the older kids piano recital and had no extra clothes and reeked of urine? What any mother would do! Try to soak the pee up with paper towel, rub a little soap onto the jeans and make the kid sit on the floor on his coat, while the the other older one whispers loud enough for the entire room to hear that "HE STINKS!"
Yesterday I was stting in the doctors office and potty training child starts whining that he has to go potty. We are about to be called back. What do I do? I bribe him. Hold it and I'll buy you a pony! Pretty soon he looks up at me and loudly exclaims, "oh no I don't have to go potty, I just had to fart!"
Oh Lord!!
And later he asked the doctor if he wanted to see Bullseye and I realized where he was wearing Bullseye just in time!! Our doctor informed us he was moving out of state. Coincidence??

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