Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Toilet Paper, Pterodactyls and Pop Music

I can't sleep! I lay down and I watch my little red numbers on my alarm clock slowly change. I have seen midnight for the last several nights! Kevin blames it on the time change. Maybe so, but before the time changed I was ready for bed by 8!
The thoughts that usually occupy my mind at this time of night are rather long and random to do lists that I wake up feeling frustrated that I have forgotten, and then the next night I lay awake trying to replicate them! Its all rather exhausting!
Last night I was making yet another list of things that I need to send with Kevin when he leaves for Florida. Usually I am going through all of my kitchen dishes and appliances wondering what I can give up and what he can live without. The coffee pot is still a rather hot button issues, in fact I'm worried we might not make it to our 10th anniversary because of it!!
Anyway, last night I was once again going through the kitchen in my mind packing things up. Then I thought about what I could use to pack the fragile stuff in, and I decided bath towels would be great! How many bath towels should I send?? Will he go to a laundromat in the 7 weeks he is without a washing machine....and a wife?Well that lead me to wandering around mentally in my bathroom trying to figure out what needed to go from there. Thankfully I fell asleep before making too long a list of bathroom items to pack. I woke up around 2ish. All of a sudden I realized that I needed to send toilet paper along. Then I started worrying that I would forget to get toilet paper and I couldn't fall back to sleep forever! When I woke up this morning I thought, well he can go get toilet paper at the store if I forget, why did I lose so much asleep over that??? This is my current state of life; and its driving me crazy!
While we were in Florida, apparently a man went into his bedroom and while he was cleaning his sock drawer or some such activity, the earth opened up and swallowed him whole! I'm sitting on the edge of my hotel bed, mouth hanging wide open and terror in my eyes, but I can't turn away as they start telling stories of Floridians who have had similar experiences walking in their backyards or golfing.Then the blonde lady with too much red lipstick on states that Florida is the sinkhole capital! Did you know that there is a sinkhole season in Florida, and that we are coming up on it? How exactly does that work? "Oh the sun's a little to the east today, better watch for sink holes!"
Shortly after coming home, I heard that there are lots of sharks off of the coast of Florida and they are warning people not to go swimming. Oh great thanks for that! Caleb wanted to go to the beach for his birthday, but I think we'll just sit inside with a sinkhole meter and maybe some balloons!
Today my husband sent me a video from CNN that was talking about pterodactyl mosquitoes that are scheduled to arrive in Florida this summer. They are huge and can suck your blood through your clothes and it feels like you got stabbed by a knife when they sting. Right now I feel like I am sitting in that commercial for orange juice. The one where they are  telling her all of the things that will go bad that day and she responds with, "better drink my orange juice". Which right now might be the only entry in the pros column of Florida: they have lots of orange juice!
Think all of these things are bizarre and probably won't ever happen to us? Remember that we are the family that ends up in the ER from toilet injuries and because a kid has a rock stuck in his ear. Remember that out of 11 years of putting ear tubes in little kids' ears, ours was only the second kid our doctor had to redo because of weird circumstances.  And did you know that retaining placenta after a C-section is virtually impossible? And yet I know from experience that its not totally impossible......
When we were headed home from  the Dominican Republic, I was so tired and very ready to be off of the plane, but as we were sitting on the tarmac in Atlanta waiting to take off for Colorado Springs, life felt almost perfect. I had experienced God's incredible love and peace in a way that I never had before. I had just spent a week of being with my husband and being called the "wedding cake couple". I was headed to see my babies, and I had just met Kirk Cameron. The sun was setting and it was just so peaceful! The airplane had a song playing and it was totally not Christian, but some popular pop sing that I had never heard before.
Its weird how certain songs, or smells, or sights can be the keeper of such vivid feelings and memories.
While we house hunting in Florida, and I was hyperventilating just a bit, we sat in the Corvette in front of a house and I was upset because the first three houses we had wanted to see had just been rented and I was starting to feel hopeless that we would ever find one that worked for us. I was questioning whether we were doing the right thing by moving to Florida and I was feeling very anxious. As we sat there waiting for the realtor to come, the song that I had heard in the airplane that evening on our way home came on. It instantly reminded me of the overwhelming peace I had that night. And of course that's the house we ended up with!
Apparently God can use pop music!!

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