Monday, May 20, 2013

We Are Still Alive!

We are now residents of Florida! I gotta admit, we are loving it! We are learning lots of new things! Things like, we should probably make sure each kid has a bathing suit that fits if we plan on spending any time at the beach!
Things like, we gotta stop screaming swear words when we see these suckers, because exposing little ears that are learning how to talk to these words 10-15 times a day is going to end up embarrassing!
Things like, always look up when walking in the door!
And of course we are learning the best spots for relaxing after dinner are only a few minutes away!!
May 10th found us loading up our stuff until late at night. We ended up having to rent a trailer to haul a wall of boxes full of Kevin's entire kindergarten art work collection, his 4th grade baseball collection, and some questionably purchased CD's from decades ago so that we could drag this stuff over endless miles and then throw them away in a Florida dumpster. Kevin tends to keep everything, not excluding his pocket lint from his first day of 7th grade, and I tend to chuck anything not nailed down. As we were packing, Kevin was asking me where certain items were. "Hey Shell, where's the remote to the TV?" "Um I thought it was broken, and I threw it away." "Hey Shell, have you seen a bag of cords?" "Yeah, I didn't know what they went to so I threw them out!" "Hey Shell, I can't find my car keys!" "Oh I thought those were to the car you had five cars ago. I threw them in the trash."
Kevin discovered on the trip that took three very long and grueling and many pee stop filled days, that a woman doesn't need to be sitting in your passenger seat to help you drive!
I drove behind him in my mini-van, with a teething baby, a dog in heat, and lots of teeny tiny little bladders, and he led the way with the monster truck and no backseat fist fights. I would notice that his tire had crossed the little white line on the side of the road and freak out. Grabbing my cell phone I hit re-dial from when I had called him 1.3 minutes earlier.
"What's wrong??" "Nothing! Why?" "Your all over the road!!" "No I'm not! You try driving this big of a truck while looking at Facebook and see if you don't go over the line a few times!"
It was a rather.....bonding experience!
The second night, Kevin decided we needed to get through Atlanta before stopping. I was exhausted and it was dark and I had listened to the same Backyardigans movie 34 times through! 8 lanes of traffic full of cars going at least 20 miles per hour over the speed limit, my limited knowledge of the fine city of Atlanta from what I had seen on "Cops", and being flipped off 3 times, and a steady rain of bugs obstructing my view through my windshield, finally broke me. I called Kevin sobbing and begging for a hotel room. NOW!
But we finally reached the Florida line!! 
We are getting settled in and discovering scenic routes to get home from the store, and wiping a few tears at night when we miss our friends in Colorado. Overall I have nothing but gratitude for how well things are going. Adjustment has been smooth, though I am sure we are not even near done adjusting. As mom's we are always adjusting though right? I am definitely excited to see what this new chapter has in store for us, and I hope you all know that I am more than serious when I ask you to come visit!! We would love to share our little piece of paradise with you!!

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